Friday, February 6, 2009

"MASH- Musical Swearing" is coming soon.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

20 names of movies we may or may not produce in the future

1. Bob the Soldier
2. Dew Run 3
3. Dad is Dead!
4. Duck War Musical
5. Musical Swearing
6. Car Baby
7. Osama Bin Laden's Cookie
8. Zack vs. Easter Bunny
9. Zack vs. Zack
10. Zack vs. Cody
11. Superhero Documentary
12. Magical Mustache Man
13. The Low Self Esteem Band
14. Minty Floss Rap
15. Star Wars Episode Five in 30 Seconds
16. Baget!
17. Super-Happy-Manga-Land
18. Do you feel violated?
19. OMG Season 7
20. Singing Baby
(All titles subject to change. Do not steal our ideas,
or we will steal your imaginary friends.)
Check out a preview of "BigBoyBot." It doesn't
tell you much, but at least you know that it's 
there now. Yeah.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Something Scary and Unrelated

If you are the teenage type who is REALLY into rap, your parents probably don't approve. And you don't read blogs. Back to the point: your parents rant and rave about how hateful terrible disrespectful it sounds and blah, blah, blah... You know how it is. The same was true forty years ago. That rock and roll is so TERRIBLE and DISRESPECTFUL! Us parental guardians are much too old for that. Yet, forty years later, you can drive to your local toy store and pick up a "Rockin' Elmo" doll for 14.99, plus tax. My prediction? 2050: "Rappin' Elmo." We'll see what happens.


Sunday, November 30, 2008


In case you haven't noticed, this is the official blog for Just thought you should know.